Thursday, March 25, 2010


9:00am - Yep, another 9am rehearsal...not nearly as excited about this one. Art is asking the tubas to play loud enough to rattle our bells. I am not amused... maybe in 3 hours.
11:12 - Working on killer dance moves to bust out during Smooth Criminal and Touch Me!
11:33 - Chinese fire drill during Hey Baby!... oh, hey Tommy.
12:15 - Shockingly late on the set return time again. Grabbed a quick sandwich to eat in the hotel room with Mike and Ted...
1:44 - The much awaited (by my mom) list of things I've dropped the most F-Bombs on in the past year... At number three, we have Marist's core religion requirement. At number two, Marist Security! and the thing I've cursed more than anything else this year...SIENA!!
1:48 - Na na nana, na na nana, hey hey hey, goodbye....peace Siena, all you have next year is Rossiter who pisses himself at the mere thought of Bauer Power!
2:20 - I caved and went to look at the Redwood Trees in Muir Forest.
5:00 - Highlight of the whole trip was driving there and back on these comically dangerous winding roads. Tommy is one arm-gansta leaning out the window, and turning around to talk to Sal and I as I start feeling sick from the swerves. Slightly rude but, talk about Tokyo Drift.
9:48 - Taking a long walk by myself to clear my head before bed. Big day tomorrow!