Monday, May 4, 2009

Last Issue of the 08-09 Academic Year

The end of the year is fast approaching and I am busily putting together the last small parts of the magazine to update this blog and take a break from looking at the same pages for the last 4 hours.

The last issue of this year, the May 2009 Issue, should be ready to distribute by Friday, May 8th. It is looking pretty fine if I do say so myself, and my housemates have told me the same as well. The work of various editors in learning and then actually doing the layout was very helpful. Next year everyone should be able to learn and experience this as I intend to request the Lowell Thomas computer lab for at least one evening before the issue is due, there will be food at these layout sessions!

Our last social last Thursday went well despite the few numbers, it allowed us all to enjoy the massive amounts of food I provided. Hopefully we will all have more interaction as a club next year since now I have a better understanding of how clubs work with SGA and with their members. With everyone's help we can surely make this magazine the best it has been thus far. Enjoy the summer and keep writing!