Thursday, March 25, 2010

NCAA DIARY - Thursday

9:00am - woohoo, 9am rehearsal!
11:50 - Rehearsal site is outdoor field with picnic tables and grills with a sweet view of the water!
12:45 - Heading into San Fran today with all Marist related travelers and our friendly Asian bus driver Tommy! (no Tom Poalillo, not all Asians are named Tom)
1:30 - Straight to "Wipe Out" for lunch and enjoy the opening of the men's tournament and see some upsets!
2:39 - We get 20 bucks a day for food. I just had a 28 dollar lunch.
3:14 - Sitting in the sun at the end of the pier watching the sea lions again. They must be the laziest animals on the planet. They never move.
3:20 - Nicole: "I want that life!"
4:33 - Had a quick chat with Maria Laterza about her apparently legendary skills at that crane/claw grabbing stuffed animal game. She claims to have won three times in a row up in Buffalo and nearly threw some elbows at a toddler trying to grab one of her prizes. It's true, Giorgis and Brault both back her up.
5:14 - Found a Going Out of Business Sale at a small nautical gift shop. Bought a brass naked mermaid door knocker! Lower West S1, check it out!
7:38 - Walking to catch the bus back to Berkeley, look up to see the team in a fancy seafood restaurant for dinner. Nice to see how the other half lives...Rachele did wave to us...her minions in the castle of Marist Athletics.
8:40 - BEVMO!...Thats the name of the beer/liquor store next to the hotel. Picture Halftime, only if Halftime was shot up with as much juice as Marion Jones.
10:57 - In the midst of a heated argument about what to do tomorrow. For some reason I am the only person who finds going to look at trees very boring. They keep claiming they are huge, but I've seen trees before. In fact, I see one right now outside my window...
11:39 - Currently in the Tuba's room reading passages from the Mormon bible with Sal. Yes, they supply all rooms with Mormon bible's in Berkeley... All this while Nicole begins reciting the Raven by Edgar Allen Poe, not sure why...but hey! NCAA Trips!